Embodying forgiveness is difficult at times; our mind knows that resentment is a cancerous aspect of the ego, but our heart refuses to let it go. When I am struggling with it, I guide myself with these ideas. Of course, these ideas are not apps that we can click and make us forgive immediately. As […]
Adverts, Gruen Transfer and Being a Better Thinker
People think adverts don’t make us buy things; they just inform us about products. When we regret that purchase, all the blame is on us. That is not true. Adverts don’t just tell us about products. They are consciously designed to compel us to buy them. Corporations spend over $1.07 trillion to make this happen.1See […]
Bila Rasa Penat Belajar
Pernah sekali, masa penat belajar, saya lalui pengalaman yang buat saya senyum seorang diri. Saya sedang studi untuk mengajar tentang ekologi. Sesiapa yang berpengalaman membentangkan topik saintifik akan faham banyaknya persiapan yang diperlukan. Umumnya, untuk pembentangan berkualiti, setiap 1 jam pembentangan memerlukan 5-10 jam persiapan, bergantung pada kerumitan bahan yang dibentangkan. Pada suatu peringkat, emosi saya penat. Jadi […]
Bila Rasa Hipokrit Semasa Belajar
Dari pengalaman peribadi, menyedari tanda hipokrit dalam diri itu sangat memedihkan hati. Saya cakap saya nak studi, tapi saya akhirnya merayap di YouTube cari political comedy. Bila baca tentang saintis atau mutakallimun silam, tenaga saya dicas penuh oleh inspirasi, ingin meluaskan cahaya ilmu yang mereka mulakan. Tetapi seminit kemudian, datang urusan harian, tentang kerja, tentang […]
Why Children Are More Than Life’s Problems
Children are troublesome. If we take spirituality out of the equation, children become sources of unnecessary life problems. The reason is obvious. If we were merely physical beings, then children are just arrangements of organic molecules who cry loudly, poop randomly and — even when behaving well — cost a lot of money. Our desire […]